Nerve Pain Physical Therapy
Nerve Pain Physical Therapy
Hands-On Techniques. Long-term, Effective Nerve Pain Relief.
Nerve Pain Relief
A pinched nerve is caused when tissue compresses the nerves around it. If your nerve is pinched for a long period, it may lead to chronic pain and permanent nerve damage. Injury, poor posture, arthritis, repetitive stress and certain sports activities may cause tissue to compress your nerves.
When a nerve is compressed, it causes inflammation and you may experience the following symptoms:
• Numbness
• Sharp radiating pain
• Muscle weakness
One common issue with pinched nerves is the pain does not stay at the site of the pinched nerve. Pain typically radiates down the nerve into other locations including legs, hands and shoulders.
Common Conditions
Nerves run throughout your body and can be compressed due to a variety of reason. To treat the pain you may be experiencing due to your pinched nerve, your physical therapist will need to pinpoint the cause of the nerve compression. Below are some common conditions associated with pinched nerves:
• Back, leg, arm, leg (Herniated disc): If a disc becomes worn out or injured, the disk may displaced towards the spinal canal, putting pressure on your nerves. Depending on the nerve, it may cause pain and numbness down your neck, back, arm, and legs. Sciatica is a common condition caused by a herniated disc.
• Shoulder (Cervical radiculopathy): Neck nerve compression that may cause shoulder pain and numbness down your arm and to your hand.
• Wrist (Carpal tunnel): Increased pressure due to inflammation on the median nerve that travels through a tunnel in the wrist.
• Elbow (Ulna nerve entrapment): Ulnar nerve is one of the three main nerves in your arm. It is commonly constricted around the elbow and numbness may radiate down to you pinky/hand.
Why PT?
Physical therapists are medical professionals with a graduate degree and clinical experience. They have the ability to examine, diagnose, treat and help prevent conditions that hinder movement. Movement can be anything from getting out of bed to walking around your neighborhood.
- Manual therapy techniques may be used to help relieve nerve pressure and increase mobility of stiff joints and muscles.
- Custom exercises to strengthen your muscles, increase joint mobilization and stretch nerves to reduce pain.
- Posture education and workstation optimization to reduce pressure and inflammation.
During your treatment session, your Therapydia physical therapist will work with you one-on-one to understand what your needs and goals are. Your first appointment is called an initial evaluation and will include a head-to-toe analysis of your biomechanics and movement to pinpoint causes of your pain. Your physical therapist will walk you through your custom set of exercises.